FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

Namidairo Release Date


It's confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YUI's latest single, Namidairo, will be out in February 27th!!! Can't wait can't wait!

Here's the PV. Enjoy!!!! YUI! Gambate!!!

World Youth Day and Vocation Celebration

Last Saturday, I participated in the World Youth Day and Vocation Celebration hosted by my parish, Blessed Sacrament Church in Kuching. HAha... It was really interesting...

My eyes swolen la... like that...

Eewww right?? haha

And have to carry cross...

But I'm okay la...

Anyways, hope my allergies subside and can help again in the future! I really felt needed! YAY!

By the way, thanks to Joshua for all your support... Rasa cool lah ya...