At 10:30am on October 9th, 2007, I have finally completed the game, Bully. This post is especially dedicated to the game that I love, Bully. ^^
Here’s the brief synopsis of the game (adapted from the game cover)
As a mischievous schoolboy, you’ll stand up to the bullies, get picked by teachers, play pranks, win or lose the girl, and ultimately learn to navigate the obstacles of the worst school around, Bullworth Academy, a corrupt and crumbling prep school with an uptight facade.
The story follows Jimmy Hopkins, a teenager who’s been expelled from every school he’s ever attended. Left to fend for himself after his mother abandons him at Bullworth to go on her fifth honeymoon, Jimmy has a whole year ahead of him, working his way up the social ladder of this demented institution of supposed learning, standing up for what he thinks is right and taking on the liars, cheats and snobs who are the most popular members of the student body and faculty. If Jimmy can survive the school year and outsmart his rivals, he could rule the school.
Man, with a synopsis like that, how could I not buy the game? It just costs RM4.50 anyway… ahahha!!
You take the role of Jimmy Hopkins. He’s been to so many schools but always get expelled in the end. A typical bad boy…
When he first arrived at Bullworth Academy, he met another student. His name is Gary. He had plans to take over the school, to rule over the school. Gary also helps Hopkins to fit in. He’s like one the best friend you can get… Unfortunately, as the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover.
As you play, you can attend several classes. The game is set in a school environment anyway. The classes are:
English Class
Teacher: Mr. Galloway
In the English class, you are given several scrambled letters. You need to scramble those letters to form new words. I hate this class the most. Typically, because you are given 3 minutes to form 20+ words and I have never heard of the those words before. Anyways, there’s always to help me. ^^ By completing this class, you can learn how to whoo girls and talk your way out from being caught by prefects and bullies…
Chemisty Class
Teacher: Some guy with specs
In the Chemisty class, you will have to mix some chemicals. The game will show you a sequence of buttons to press. You just need to press those buttons in the order given. This class was very easy. This class was the first class I finished. Hope Chemistry’s as easy as this. By completing this class, you can make your own firecrackers, stink bombs and itch powder. Very useful class…
Gym Class
Teacher: Mr Burton (FAT GUY)
In the class, you will learn how to play dodgeball!!! You will always be teamed up with the nerds. By completing this class, you will learn how to fight. Very useful class to complete…
Photography Class
Teacher: Err.. forgot!!
You will learn how to take photos. I love this class so much!! You can go out to the towns and take really cool pictures. By completing this class, you can unlock the photo album and a digital camera!! I love this class
Teacher: Some annoying guy
This one is annoying, This class ranks below English class as my second most hated subject. You will be given a set of buttons to press. The hard ones are the analog stick. I always mess up there… arr… By completing this class, you will new and faster bikes to ride.
In this game, you can do almost everything that a student can do.
You can socialize ^^
You can bully people
You can vandalize

You can be wanted by prefects...
And get busted...
Shoot those footballers....
Pretty much anything you want…
Jimmy worked hard to gain respect from the four factions from the school…
The Nerds (super smart but annoying)
The Preps (Rich bastards...)
The Jocks (Strong body, empty mind)
The Greasers (famous for their greasy hair)
Unfortunately, Gary betrayed Jimmy. Gary wanted to control the school so badly…
Then, the game ends with a ‘great battle’ between Jimmy and Gary….
Finally, Gary lost and everyone’s happy…
One thing that I don like about this game is that it is just toooooooooooo easy!!!!!! ^^
I don't recommend this game to people if they want a challenge... But, this game's fun... ANother great game from Rockstar Games...
By the way... this is my 100th POST!!!!!!!
hrmmm urs cheaper than mine by 50 cents haha
lolx the pj teacher looks like mr paul xD
how/where to download? or is it a game u bought?
Hey you forgot art class
And also the fact that you can mack dudes
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