FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

Regretting my past

AhHH! I wished I had studies and understood better in BIO and CHEM last when I was in form 5.
Now i'm in IB, (International Baccalaurete) world school and I'm surrounded by straight A+ people and straight A1s people, and I'm so blur in class...

I don want to lose to FIONA NG KA CHEN!!!


I miss u so much dear,

here's some thing I got in my email,

You cut a used bottle....

Then u scroll down...

Scroll some more...

Scroll some more...

Some gay guy wit his cat, this pic is cute okay, nothing wrong to love ur pet..

Then u do this..

Tadahhh... such a waste of time!!!! ^^