FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

Morning Poem

Questions linger in my mind,
Will the sun ever rise again,
Will the river flow again,
Will the sheep be slain
Will the dead be in vain,

Questions, Questions, Questions,
Wondering in the depths of my lonely laugh,
Shall I wait and be eaten,
Or take charge and lead my own path,
Livid and shaken,
Heart trembles and chest deepens,
Can I tell you how much it means to me,
That you stay close and tell me you love me,

Without love, there is no fire,
Without love, there is only dire
Without love, there is no water
Without love, there is only hater,
Without love, there is no light,
Without love, there is no sight
Without love, there is no life...

I'm feeling so emo...........................

I'll try to smile ^^