FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

Visit to Bukit Tinggi

Last week we visited Bukit Tinggi in Klang...

It's super huge

Like 3-4 times bigger than The Spring in Kuching, which is like the most popular shopping mall in Kuching...

It's filled with a lot of shops like

Brook's..... For brooke??

Ego Fit, for Egoistic people...

New Balance, for people who can't stand up straight...

9 months.... For women for 9 months...

Shop for headless people...

Shop of pinkish stuff

A bear that wants me to buy him, but sorry ahHH!! Bolui...

There were people

and more people....

We refreshed ourselves with Sjora (pronounced as SeJoRA)

and it's freaking good... RM2.50 i think...

And they sell SuSHIs tooo!!

I could have just ripped them open.... and put them into my mouth, and chewed on them and taste their tastefullness..

Oh crap...