FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!


Damn, I'm so into K-pop now. I hardly know what's going on in the Japanese music scene...

Anyways, here's a look at a young Korean idol group.


They really gain attention from their latest album with the song Bo Beep Bo Beep. Hahha.. Weird title don't you think so? At first, I thought it was damn annoying song, but it kinda stuck in my head...

And no.... it's not because they are cute.....

Nope nope nope not their cuteness...

Aww... emm.. no no no no not cause of their cuteness...

So cute la...


Okay okay, I admit they're cute....

Anyways, listen to it la... ahaha....

You can download the MP3 file here... Bo Peep Bo Beep

Download HERE!

Here's some cute fan art pics of them I found in DKOP blog.

Why can't Malaysia have these kind of girl group ha???? The only one we have is...

If like that, Malaysia die la...


hi... nice entries... n nice artist... put shoutbox, so other will easily put their link and have conversation. just a suggestion.