FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

School!!!! Eh wait...

This time of the year, a few things my mum would want me to do...

1. Cut my hair...
2. Do study timetable
3. Plan my tuition
4. Cut my hair again...

It's all a spiral of the same common thing....

Now its....

1. Sleep
2. Wake Up
3. Eat
4. PS2
5. Sleep


Looking for a job somewhere, got any ideas???

Here's some cute animal photos I got from CuteOverload.com

Damn, I love them!!! WTF!!!!

Damn... is this leopard gonna kill that small rat/mouse/or whatever it is...

Oh shit!!!!

Is the leopard showing love to that rat... Walao modern animals..

A day of drinking.....

Damn, not fair.... It has cooler hair than mine..


Look at its paws.....

Why so grumpy... But Cute also la

Damn, after I move out from my house, I'm gonna get a dog!! ^^