I was actually inspired by Jonathan's Lee's blog for this post. You can check it here.
It's true Jon, no one is not allowed to berangan-angan (dream). So, here's my angan-angan.
My Dream Girl...
My Dream Girl would be someone who thinks positively about things. She has to be the one that can pull me up everytime I'm down. She has to believe in herself and very very strong self-principles. She doesn't have to be the type that pampers herself everyday... I don't really care how nice you look, if I love you, you'll always be the most beautiful in my eyes.
Emm... she has to be smart, academically, socially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Get me? She just have to like school, the place where we meet new friends, try new things, and learn new stuff. I don't care if she is the first or last in the class, just good enough for me to believe that she will be able to live an independent and intelligent life.
She has to be the kind of girl that talks really good stuff. If she talks crap, she talks real good crap. HAHA... I want her to talk to me. I want to sit down and listen to her talk. I want to hear every word that come out of her mouth. Her words brings everyone back to life, with full confidence and trust in themselves...
She must also love Asian stuff... If she can talk Japanese, she would have no trouble being my dream girl. I love Japanese stuff, their language, their dance, their music, I want to learn a lot of her...
Let's get back to the serious stuff...
She must also be caring, gentle, and understanding. She must have a strong mind and heart. I want her to support me, a place where I can talk about everything and do everything that I want. She must never give up, no matter what hardships arrive. She must believe in the existence of God and thank him for everything that she has.
That's all for now... CYA!!