1. Encrypt your connection (Utorrent has it)
2. Move to a remote area
This method is kinda extreme but it's honestly the best way. If you are a city person, most likely you are sharing your broadband bandwidth with thousands of connections at a time. For example, 10GB of bandwidth is shared among 100 users, means that each user will get around 100MB. Imagine if you shared 10GB with 1000 users or more!! Ouch!!
The thing I hate about Streamyx @ TMNet Berhand kurap is that they don't bother to update anything... Malaysia must have the slowest connection in the region. and they say they want to make Vision 2020 a reality. Really, with this kinda of connection, just kiss my ass. If anything goes wrong, they will blame other people. From Bittorrent to Datuk K, all the way to the dogs and cats of the country and us users, who actually paid them for this internet connection.
Other than that, I'm pissed off when I get the notification that the when we get around 70% of the so-called-subscribed-speed, we are having the best service that is available. That's just suck up. You suck our money, might as well use them for something. I know that nothing's perfect, that's a fact but my 70%? I'm using 512K package, how low can I get?? ARGH!!!
Here's a funny but true banner I've found lying around the net.

Here's more proof. Click here to go to AzureusWiki.com. Click on Malaysia and TMnet and Jaring is listed in the Bad Internet Service Providers list globally.
Here's the 'leaders' of TM!! WHOO HOO BOOO!!! I was so angry!!! They are lucky i didn't use photoshop but I only needed Paint to give my point. Suckers!!

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