FFX Madman

Anything that FFX Madman wants to write!!

Results so far...

MATHS - 82%


Ahh... mistakes here and there. My eyes just can't differentiate between positive and negative. Always forgot to put that little critter, the infamous negative sign or (-) in my calculations... Ahhh... what to do...


Yea... For those who don't know me, my standard of GEO, never get A. Always a B!!! How am I supposed to remember where to get bauxite, iron, coal, etc etc... So many names and the places are all named with crazy names. There's one place that I can always remember where to get coal (Arang Batu) and that place is Batu Arang, Malaysia. Can't remember which state.. ahahah...

See? The name is just the reverse of the name of the mineral. That's easy...

ARANG BATU (COAL) --> Batu Arang (A place coal is mined in Malaysia)

Gee.. can't wait for BM... another B i suppose. My art?? Em.. C?? Like usual... i just wait for the results... ahah..